Ripple Movement
Project leader: Michelle Jennings
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Ripple Movement was founded in 2023 to support extremely disadvantaged children in New Zealand. The organisation achieves this by charging to collect customers’ second-hand children's clothing. The great quality clothing is packaged into gear boxes of 17 specific items for distribution through Oranga Tamariki (Ministry for Children). Each gear box aims to provide all the essential clothing items needed for a year at a time. Any remaining clothing is carefully repaired, repurposed, or recycled, ensuring nothing goes to waste.
Poverty is a significant health and equity issue in Aotearoa New Zealand. According to New Zealand's Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) unprecedented levels of need mean families suffer severe deprivation, with parents forced to work multiple jobs and prioritise only the absolute necessities. Across the country, 1 in 10 children live in material hardship, and 1 in 7 are in income poverty. This is the desperate need that Ripple intends to serve.
Ripple is in its early stages, having launched early this year. To date, the business collects unwanted, outgrown or excess clothing from retailers, schools, businesses, groups and individuals, distributes gear boxes and deals with the waste; but they’re looking for support to grow. And that’s where All Good Ventures comes in. Together we’ll be working on a financially sustainable model to ensure that Ripple, like any good social enterprise, doesn’t need to rely on fundraising and donations to stay afloat.
Profits generated from the social enterprise will be reinvested in the business, enabling the provision of more gear boxes to children in New Zealand facing material hardship. By ensuring financial sustainability, Ripple can make a lasting and meaningful impact on the lives of countless Kiwi children, providing them not only with essential clothing but a sense of dignity.